
The Future of cloud based gaming.

Case Study Film 

The Opportunity:

There are 2b gamers but only 200mm on consoles. Game Pass let’s you play its games on any device so you are not limited to your console.
Gamepass 4
Xbox Cloud Gaming means endless play across devices. Whether you’re on console, iPhone, Android, Mac/PC — or all of the above — cloud gaming means you can have the same Xbox experience across devices. It’s console-quality gaming anytime, anywhere. For some, a smartphone becomes a gateway to Xbox experiences for the the first time. For others, it’s just another way to play that makes the Xbox experience more accessible. In any case, it’s a paradigm shift and a global phenomenon that welcomes more gamers to the Xbox ecosystem than ever before. For gamers, this is your “console in the cloud.”
Gamepass 5
The film showcased the cloud gaming experience on a global scale as we spend time with a group of friends — real gamers playing and chatting together, having the “Xbox console experience” on a variety of devices in key regions around the world.
Gamepass 1
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Gamepass 7
Gamepass 3
Gamepass 2
Gamepass 9
Gamepass 6
Dads 5

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